Friday, October 15, 2010

This is a public service announcement

Kids: don't smoke in the house.  This could happen to you!

See that lovely line of demarcation?  To the left is the paint and wall after a good half hour of my scrubbing it with soap and a scrubber.  To the right is what the paint looks like with 50 years of nicotine smoke caked on it.  That is JACK NASTY.  I'm going to be painting over it, but I have to scrub the rest of the walls first so the paint will actually stick.  The ceiling is hella nasty too.  Awesome!

We also pulled off the ugly panelling, and found, guess what?  More walled up windows!  I think we're going to have to pull out the bad plaster around them and drywall.


  1. Seriously, though. What kind of people plaster over windows like that?

  2. A crazy person, I think. I love big windows and natural light, so its incomprehensible to me that someone would be like "you know what this room has too many of? WINDOWS. We need to put ugly wood panelling over that shit, pronto."
